Prototype Fitment - Catch Can R&D, Part 2
We are moving fast with this project! We have now talked about the differences and significance between two types of fuel injection, evaluated the stock system and began designing a bracket with our neat waterjet. We have also dived into the specifics of how our catch can works. Now, we have a working prototype that we have mounted onto our loaner Civic.
We decided to go ahead and use the open space right behind passenger side of the motor that would conveniently place our catch can around the PCV ports. This will lighten any complexities in the hose routing.

Area where we will place prototype Civic catch can

Area where we will place prototype Civic catch can
The bracket has been fabricated so all we needed to do was give it a little bit of paint to match the color of our can.

2016 Honda Civic parts
Our prototype design will have the bracket attach directly behind the pictured bracket that is holding an oil line. Check it out installed below!

Prototype 2016 Honda Civic parts installed

Prototype parts installed

Side view of the catch can installed
That just about does it for the design process for our catch can! Here is one more view of it installed in the bay!

Final install shot of the catch can
What's Next?
Now that we have a working prototype on the car, we will be launching a presale very soon so we can get this kit on the market. Details are on the horizon.
Thanks for reading!