Driving off the beaten path is a constant stride. Every throttle input and steering angle change is carefully calculated to overcome the obstacles in front of you. All it takes to break that stride is one misstep. A coolant temp gauge climbing into the red or a wisp of steam from under the hood is enough to take your focus off those obstacles and lock it on your dash. Suddenly, the challenge becomes cooling down your vehicle instead of making it to the end of the trail.
Overheating is an all-too-common occurrence for many Jeep XJ Cherokee owners. Off-roading is also an exercise in low-speed driving and for the XJ's outdated engine fan, it's an exercise in futility. When the XJ's 4.0L engine is churning at a pace just above idle, the archaic engine fan is barely moving air through the radiator. Low fan and road speeds, coupled with the extremely high load of crawling