Ford Mustang Automatic Transmission Cooler 2015+

  1. Keep your Cool- Transmission Cooler R&D, Part 2: Prototype Fitment

    Keep your Cool- Transmission Cooler R&D, Part 2: Prototype Fitment

    In our last post, we took a look at the stock Mustang automatic transmission cooler and our plans to make it even better. We designed the cooler in Solidworks, based off the measurements obtained from both the GT and the stock cooler. We will be doing our R&D with this bold yellow GT, but based on our research, this cooler will fit all models of S550 Mustang including the EcoBoost and V6. But enough about fitments, the prototype is complete! It is time to see how well our digital design translated into a real-life prototype.

    Mishimoto Mustang trans cooler
    Mishimoto Mustang trans cooler

    So far the trans cooler is looking good. It is much larger than the stock cooler, 50% larger to be exact. The stock cooler comes in at 10 rows, where the Mishimoto

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  2. Keep your Cool - Transmission Cooler R&D, Part 1: Prototype Design

    Keep your Cool - Transmission Cooler R&D, Part 1: Prototype Design

    Over the past year we have been getting acquainted with our Mustang GT, and in the process we've developed an entire line of cooling products for it. In the spirit of staying cool, we are on to our next project, the Mustang GT Automatic Transmission Cooler.

    Donor vehicle for Mustang GT trans cooler testing
    Donor vehicle for Mustang GT trans cooler testing

    Heat is generally the enemy of an automatic transmission. In fact, the Ford factory service manual notes that when the GT's computer senses the transmission overheating, it will limit RPMs until the temperature returns to a normal range. There is nothing worse than a track day ending early due to high temps of any kind, including in the transmission. Whether you are taking your GT to the track or

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