Catch A Wave (of Blow-By) - Part 5: Wait, How Many Cans?
Happy 2017, people! I hope you all had wonderful experiences throughout the holiday season and you welcomed in the New Year with a glass of something delicious. I know I did! Whatever you had, I'm sure you enjoyed it much more than your Camaro 2.0T enjoys drinking blow-by. So to begin the year on the right foot, we're going to give you the opportunity to pick up a Mishimoto 2016+ Camaro 2.0T Catch Can kit.
In my last post, I gave all of the ATS owners a little love and showed you how we route catch can hoses with our loaner Cadillac. Today, it's time to pivot back and take a look at the final setup as it will appear on the Camaro 2.0T. We've been working on a surprise addition to this design that you might want to check out.
Most everything that you read here will also apply to the ATS kit, but, as many have inferred, the Camaro project is a little bit further along in R&D than the Cadillac project (although not by THAT much). The Camaro kit is so close to ready, in fact, that it is now officially time to launch our pre-sale!
That's right, people! You, your Camaro, and your Camaro's LTG can all breathe a collective sigh of relief. Freedom from blow-by is in your future! The Mishimoto catch can kit is now available at our discounted price, so you can ensure that your Camaro breathes clean air like it should.
Surprise? I LOVE Surprises!
Some of you may have perked up in the first paragraph upon noticing the word "surprise" - that was the intent, so hopefully I've got you hooked. But let's delve into what I meant by that.
You may recall from some of our earlier posts that the extent of the LTG's PCV kitting from the factory comprises three different systems. The primary avenue for extracting blow-by, however, is accessed by tapping into a PCV valve within the valve cover. GM didn't make it easy for us, but this is where our engineer's ingenious innovation came into play. If you want a re-cap on how we engineered our way into the valve cover to get the blow-by out, circle back to my post on our patent-pending blow-by tap. Check out how much blow-by we've collected from that spot. Without a catch can, all of this goes back through your engine!

This was after about 1000 miles of driving. I left the beaker to sit on my desk for about a week.
The mere fact that the lion's share of oily nastiness travels through the internal system does not mean that the other systems are completely free of vaporized contaminants. To demonstrate that, let's go back and take a look at the external systems to make sure we didn't miss anything.
Circling Back for More Testing
In our exploratory testing, we discovered very little blow-by in the first external system we tested, and didn't bother testing the other external system right away once we discovered the presence of the internal system. In fact, here is how I ended the second post:
"We hope to have more information for you on this third CCV system coming soon. Otherwise, we will likely be testing the second of the two external systems. Stay tuned for more on this unique project!"
We got so excited about Steve's internal valve discovery and his ingenious solution, that bottles were popping, confetti was flying, and the office was merry with the same flavor of delight one might have experienced in Chicago this past November.
Just kidding. But we did give Steve a nice pat on the back. Though I may be hyperbolizing a bit (what else is new?), we did become genuinely excited about the blow-by tap, and the project became somewhat focused on addressing the internal system and developing that innovation into the best product it could be. It wasn't until a bit later that we figured we'd double back to test that second external system. And boy, are we glad we did. Here's why:
That, ladies and gentlemen, is blow-by. It isn't a TON, but it isn't nothing. At Mishimoto, blow-by is our sworn enemy. We think it really blows, and by golly, we'd love nothing more than to take this stuff and send it straight to hell. So with that attitude, there was no way we could see these results and not put the hammer down.
Doubling Down
So herein lies the surprise: we are offering a dual-can setup to address blow-by concerns in both the internal system as well as the external system. How's THAT for thorough?
Now you might be wondering where on earth that second can is going to go. Well, we've figured out a way to mount the cans side-by-side in the front of the engine bay, near the expansion tank. As mentioned, the majority of the blow-by is in the internal system. So, we have decided to sell this as a modular system for those of you who would rather stick to a one-can setup.
You can buy the Mishimoto 2016+ Camaro 2.0T catch can kit with just the primary can (PCV-side) or you can buy it with both the primary and secondary (CCV-side) cans. If you opt for the former option, the included bracket features mounting points for the secondary can. So, if you want to add that on later, you can. That's right, we'll be selling the secondary kit by itself as well.
For those of you with Cadillacs, you will also have the option to supplement the primary can with a secondary can, although both cans will be mounted in separate locations. More on that in a future post - right now, it's the Camaro's turn in the spotlight!
Check out some shots of the final Camaro 2.0T bracket and hose setup.
Coming Soon"
So there you have it! At long last, the Mishimoto 2016+ Camaro 2.0T catch can kit is available for pre-order. Next time, we'll go into some more detail on the secondary can placement in the ATS. In the meantime, check out the pre-sales!
2016+ Camaro 2.0T Dual Catch Can Kit Pre-sale!
Thanks so much for following along. I know this has been a unique project, and I'm very happy to see it so close to completion. I hope you all share that sentiment!
Stay tuned, Cadillac owners.